I'm now streaming on Twitch!
I'll be doing my first streams tomorrow, July 4th and Thursday, July 5th, doing live painting.
Tomorrow, the 4th, I'll be testing the waters, figuring out more about the interface and the equipment, and working on a "Hunter" painting, with a custom snake design, reminiscent of the Hunter snake iconography in Destiny 2. The plan is to work in the mid-late afternoon, probably between 2 and 8 PM Eastern. I'll post a final time later here and on social media.
The studio, in all its glory! Also, that's Roxy, my dad's boxer/lab mix. She's a handful, but has tons of love.
Thursday, July 5th, I'll be live streaming to finish the fourth and final Destiny Weapon Series painting that I'm bringing to GuardianCon. Jade Rabbit/Jade Jester/IRREZOLUT CUSTOM.
Just like the Jade Jester, it will be pink as hell.
Jade Rabbit/Jade Jester/IRREZOLUT CUSTOM
Unique badges: NEVER SLEEP, Vanguard, Variate, The Fold, Cayde-6, Hunter, For Health Pill, IRREZOLUT, P!/Progenitors, Twitter, Insta, Twitch/@irrezolut
Big ups to Dan Boyd of the 40K Badcast for helping me with the camera setup. And huge thanks also to Eric "Halfscots" McKenna (aka My Brother from Another Mother) for the advice and the encouragement to stream to Twitch!
And a happy 4th of July to all my American friends. Remember: we're here because we resisted- injustice, tyranny, shitty tax laws, religious oppression, etc.
Thanks for reading. More soon. (^__^.)