Sometimes, you just have to swing the bat.

Tomorrow morning is the first day of GuardianCon.

I think I put making a move to be a full time artist off for a long time because it was a challenge that I felt unprepared for. I was scared to fail because I lacked experience and/or because I just didn't have the time or the money or the energy to accomplish something to my own standards.

In the end, I just had to ask for help, and then unabashedly present my own efforts to myself. I had to leave a job that I didn't like, even though there were people that I didn't want to abandon or hurt. But they couldn't make *this* happen for me. Only I could.


And now here I am. Booth ready. Paintings ready. Prints ready. Raffle ready. Helper on deck (thanks to my younger brother, Ashton).

And the convention is nearly fully sold out. All the single day passes are gone. All the VIP passes are gone. All the volunteer passes are gone. Only two day passes remain right now, and day of people are going to snag those tomorrow, I am *sure*.

Ace of Spades Print - 1st Edition - GuardianCon Special

MIDA Multi Tool Print - 1st Edition - GuardianCon Special

Sunshot/Red Dwarf - 1st Edition - GuardianCon Special

Sunshot/Red Dwarf - 1st Edition - GuardianCon Special

The first edition of the Destiny 2 weapon prints is super limited, mainly due to time. I'll be producing a second edition and some additional works just after the convention. I have some excellent drafts that I'll share soon of some Crucible and Vanguard homage/celebration prints.

The paintings I worked on and the promo items are clutch. I'm so glad it came together. My good friend Randi was able to help me print a ton of bags and stickers. The flyers I ordered turned out great. And as I sit here, I'm finishing another small batch of Destiny Weapon prints to bring the full total for the convention to 105.


Last but not least, a feat that bears some description was designing and building the little "walls" I brought to the convention to give my booth some space to show the paintings. A huge thanks to Kevin Ford of for helping me build my design. About 80% of which is from recycled wood from discarded pallets. 


So now, as I type this, we are about T-minus 10 hours until people will start rolling into the convention.

Eyes up, Guardian.