My dad was moved out of the ICU on Thursday night. He's in the cardiac care wing at GW hospital, recovering fairly quickly at this point. He is in good spirits, fully aware of his surroundings, able to move and speak completely. He will need physical rehab, of course, but it should be relatively minor.

He had a blood clot that caused a heart attack which caused a car accident. No one was injured in that accident from any of the vehicles involved.

But he basically died twice. In his vehicle, and then again in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. It only took about 5 minutes from the report to get him to the hospital. He was given CPR for most of that time.

In order to resolve everything, he received several operations and was on multiple devices for support while in a medically induced coma for 7 days.

Tomorrow is his 62nd birthday.

If you are a friend, a coworker, an acquaintance or family:

Please encourage him to spend this extra life wisely.

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If you are someone who suffers from some malady, no matter the level of discomfort or problem it causes, no matter how scared you are of it: please seek help from a fellow on this planet. Start small, start comfortably, and be honest.

Needing help from others is not a sign of weakness. It is the ultimate act of compassion that we have- for ourselves and others.

Our time on Earth is made of many things that require multiple sets of hands.

And you are not alone.

